Google has become one of the most popular search engines. However, not all websites have a chance to rank on Google’s first page. RanK is a website that explains how you can create your own website and rank it on the first page of Google without spending any money or investing. Here We will help you to know 10 ways to rank websites on Google.

If you’re looking to rank your website on the search engines, and want to do it as quickly as possible, there are 10 steps you can take that will help give you an edge over your competition, and get you on the first page of Google in no time!

Below are 10 actionable steps for any website owner who can implement to get their site rank higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

All these steps explained work for an existing website or are building a new one from scratch. A good website is simple to use, easy to find and read, and trustworthy.

Learn 10 Ways to Rank Websites on Google

Finding your website on Google is not an easy task. Google’s algorithm is one of the most complex and difficult to master. If you want to rank on Google, you must understand the algorithm and how search engines work. This blog will help you in learning 10 ways How you can rank websites on Google.

1. Optimize for a Keyword

SEO is a common tactic that allows people to find your website depending on what they are searching for. SEO will help you rank at the top of search engines, but it can take some time before you get there. When optimizing, you should focus on a few simple rules: make sure your site is unique; focus on high-quality and relevant content; describe your topic in an easy way that others understand.

For example, if you run a bakery and want to make sure that people in your area find you when they search for local bakeries, then all you need to do is optimize your site by using that phrase more often on your pages.

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This will help new potential customers find their way onto your site and into your store! This works especially well if there are competitors who also rank high on these searches; don’t be afraid of stealing some of their business.

It might seem as though it’s stealing but what’s happening is that they’re attracting new customers and bringing them into the market with them.

2. Proofread and Format

This can’t be stressed enough: no one will read your content if it’s riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

If you can, hire a professional editor to proofread your work. If not, check out (or create) a style guide that outlines everything from word usage and capitalization rules, to commonly misspelled words—and use it religiously when writing your website content.

One can use the Grammarly extension on the browser that will help you correct your Grammar instantly. 

Linking within your site is an important way to help search engines understand what your site is about.

If you have several sections of your website devoted to a certain topic, it’s a good idea to link between those sections.

For these links to help with SEO, they should be relevant and natural—not obvious or hidden just for search engines.

Think of internal linking as an opportunity to improve your website’s user experience and make sure you have something of value in every section, rather than sending users down a rabbit hole.

4. Think Strategically About Keywords in Titles, Descriptions, and Headings

Keywords are a big deal when it comes to SEO. And one of the most important places where keywords matter is in titles, descriptions, and headings.

While there’s no exact science for creating these pages, you can use a few basic concepts. First, include your target keyword three times on each page and make sure that it appears once as part of your title tag (more on that below).

You should also include two internal links to relevant pages within your website – i.e., another page with similar content or pages on which you list other sites like yours – and be sure that they use variations of that keyword within their page titles as well.

If you’re trying to rank for specific keywords or phrases, building internal links is a good way to go. It’s called an internal link network because you’re interlinking pages that are relevant to each other; it boosts your site’s authority in general and gives more weight to certain pages that may not be as popular as others yet.

The more natural links pointing toward your site, from authoritative sites in your niche, of course, means higher rankings.

6. Improve your site’s load time

Page load time is a ranking factor in Google’s search algorithm. The longer your site takes to load, and consequently bounce rates, the lower you rank.

Make sure that your web pages aren’t taking too long to load by running them through a tool like WebPageTest or Pingdom.

You should also consider increasing server response times for visitors by serving your images locally—use something like SmushIt! for WordPress or ImageOptim for Mac users.

These image compression tools will reduce image file sizes by as much as 80 percent without affecting their quality.

7. Register Your Site Through Authoritative Domains

If you want people to visit your website, it’s probably a good idea for them to be able to find it. In many cases, though, websites have content from other domains embedded in them (e.g., YouTube videos or images from another site).

And if one of those domains is more popular than yours? Google will show that domain’s content instead of yours in its search results—if not completely hide your website.

It might not always seem like a big deal, but having an authoritative domain is important for any business-related activity.

It’s a good idea not to use keywords in your anchor text that are identical or similar to what your page is about.

If you own a site on house remodeling, don’t link from one page of your site to another with anchor text like remodeling or renovation.

This will only look spammy and won’t help you rank well in search results. Instead, find related terms (perhaps something like home improvement project planning tips for beginner remodelers) and use those instead.

There are lots of ways you can do research for finding related keywords for anchor text; here is a list of places you can do research.

9. Use Social Bookmarking Sites Strategically

The first thing you need to know about social bookmarking sites is that they can be a huge asset to your business if used strategically.

It’s not enough just to register with a few of them and post what you want; if your page is going to do any good, it needs to have an interesting title, good content, and a link back to your site (or somewhere equally valuable).

You should also consider using blogs as an avenue for getting additional traffic from these sites. By following some simple steps, you can see great results from social bookmarking sites in no time at all.

One of the best ways to improve your ranking is by looking at how your competitors are getting links. Why?

Because if you can identify a successful strategy for acquiring good backlinks, then you can take advantage of that success and replicate it for yourself.

Analyzing your competitor’s backlink profile will also help you figure out where their website needs improvement, as well as who they’re targeting with their link-building efforts.


We hope you enjoyed our blog about ranking websites on google. We know that the search engine optimization game is never over and that it can be difficult to rank websites. However, we did provide some tips on how to rank websites on google. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime. Thank you for reading, we hope you found this post to be helpful.